Pain, Heartbreak, and loss are common threads we all share as humans.
No one has escaped a broken heart or put their precious heart in the wrong hands.
🦋I’ve opened the gates of my heart to the wrong kind of love, relationships, friendships, and environments.
🦋My heart has been shredded, torn apart, cut open, and bleeding for all the sharks to frenzy around.
🦋… I have also closed and tried to push away all true love, kindness, and people who see me.
🦋I have placed myself on islands far away from everybody else where no one could come up on my shore.
🦋Graveyards of past selves surrounded me with hate, fear, and distrust, so deep is the Ocean I would drown if I set foot in.
I know you have been there too…
We all share pain; however, we don’t choose to heal and, more importantly, learn to love ourselves. Sharing healing and love is the purpose of it all.
This is the meaning of life.
We break open to pour into ourselves and filling all the cracks and holes inside our hearts with liquid gold.
When you feel like you have found self-love – keep going. It is a never-ending back-and-forth with the universe.
Book-ended by two Supermoons in August and 31 days of Self-Love course this month is already blowing my mind and heart open before it begins.
Ahhhh, August, I am ready for you and love you already 🌝💘🌝