Embracing the Rhythm of Your Business

Nov 21, 2023

Embracing the Rhythm of Your Business✨
Your menstrual cycle (or, men, your 24-hour cycle) isn’t just a biological clock – it’s a game-changer for understanding your body and energy and how to run your business.

Knowing your phase helps gauge energy, creativity, and social needs and is essential for expanding and sustaining your busienss.

🍃Just like nature’s cycles, businesses have seasons – busy highs and calm lows.

Learning from Mother Nature, we need rest to refuel during slower times and kickstart new creations when our energies are aligned.

✨Avoid burnout by scheduling regular breaks: weekly me-time, quarterly getaways, and yearly rejuvenation trips or retreats.

🧬For soul-led businesses, cycles are ingrained in our creative DNA.

✨Creation isn’t just about making; it’s about the phases of inspiration, concentration, organization, implementation, and sustenance.

When you find your rhythm and honor your energy, your work flourishes, and your energy is sustainable as a long-term commitment vs. push and burnout.

Tune into your cycle, whether tied to your menstrual phases, daily vibes, or quarterly flows.

If a day feels off, reschedule meetings or find quick recharge tools.
Prioritize what aligns with your energy because magic happens when you work with your flow.

My prime creative hours are 4:00 am – 8:00 am.
It’s a sacred time for writing, creating, moving, and meditating.
Your energy is an extension of your business, so the more you honor yourself and flow – the more your busienss flows…

What are your daily, monthly, or yearly cycles?

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