Energetic Boundaries for Empaths

Apr 04, 2024

Energetic Boundaries for Empaths

Being an empath or highly intuitive person comes with unique challenges and blessings. It also requires a higher level of energetic boundaries, not allowing others’ energies to dilute your own.

For the feelers, healers, and sensitive people, sometimes we become so overwhelmed with energies that it is hard to distinguish what is yours and not yours. It’s like you are a magnet to everyone’s energy around you.

What doesn’t help is absorbing and digesting others’ energy as a form of “helping” them.

When we do this, it is disempowering for both people – it drains you as the absorber/digester, and it says to them, “I don’t believe you are strong enough to deal with the cards you are dealt.”

We all have our own karma, and we must keep our emotional boundaries clear, know what is ours and what isn’t, and most importantly, create a sacred union within and with the universe.

Healthy boundaries are a delicate balance of structure and flow directly tied to your self-worth and intuition.

5️⃣ signs that indicate you may need to set energetic boundaries:

1️⃣ Feeling Drained or Self-Conscious After Interactions
2️⃣Physical Reactions to Others’ Emotions
3️⃣Constant Worrying About Others
4️⃣Difficulty Saying No Without and Guilt or Setting boundaries.
5️⃣Uncertainty About how to Restore Your Energy

How to Begin Setting Energetic Boundaries:

💫Understand Your Energy: Develop self-awareness through mindfulness, journaling, and meditation to recognize your energy versus others’.

💫Identify Triggers: Notice what situations or people drain your energy and establish limits or communication strategies.

💫Practice Saying No: Start with small boundaries and gradually assert your needs without guilt.

💫Restoration Techniques: Explore activities that replenish your energy and make them a regular part of your routine.

💫Visualization Exercise: Try a visualization exercise to visualize and reinforce your energetic boundaries – Like surrounding yourself with a blue (any color of your choice) healing bubble.

1:1 & group support available to set energetic boundaries for your body, life and business. @trishbianco 🤍