You are the gatekeeper and the key

May 19, 2023

You are the gatekeeper you are your key.

You are the shadow, and you are the light.

You are strength, and you are softness wrapped into one.

You hold the treasure of your existence inside of you.

Don’t make yourself wait at the gate.

You hold the key, and you have the choice to walk in.

Your ego will have you feeling like you are lost, disconnected from yourself and your spirit.

It is all an illusion – you are the gatekeeper the key holder of your heart.

You are always here

Place your hands on your heart and plug back in.

I have recently opened up my 1:1 practice for new shorter, as well as longer ways of working with me.

Feel free to reach out if this is your time click the link in my bio to read all the new ways we can work together @trishbianco 🚪 🔑✨🌹