When you believe you are worthy, the universe responds in 2️⃣ ways

Mar 07, 2024

When you believe you are worthy, the universe responds in 2️⃣ ways. Both are healing if you choose💫

1️⃣ It will present you with something that aligns with your highest self and desires. This is your chance to claim it, embrace it, and fully receive it.

2️⃣ It will also send you a challenge in the form of a person or situation to deter you back to your old ways of being.

How you Hold yourself, respond, and honor your “yes” and “no” in these situations will either magnetize or repel all of your desires.

The funny thing is some things that elevate us most within a deep sense of self-worth don’t come in beautiful packages.

And that allows you to choose YOU.

We are all working on towards something.
It doesn’t mean it feels easy or smooth all the time just know it’s how you hold yourself in the moments when the external world is validating you just as much as when the external world is or possibly rejecting you.

Keep going xo

2️⃣ LIVE ways to work with me this year outside of 1:1 mentorship
1. For yourSoul-Led Busienss, join The Prosperous Soul.
2. For your Heart & Desires, join The Liberated Woman.

💬 comment or DM “Prosperous Soul: in the comments to get more details of my bi-weekly sessions in your soul-aligned business and comment or DM “The Liberated Woman” (coming soon) to Confidently step into your power and create a clear path towards abundance, love, and creativity within.